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Category: Other Federal Countries


Books on Scottish Independence Reviewed

Rory Scothorne reviews two books that explore the rise of the Scottish independence movement: The Great Mistake of Scottish Independence, by John Lloyd and The Literary…

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Comparative Federalism

Chinese and American Responses to Coronavirus Compared

Shui Yan Tang and Brian An compare the intergovernmental responses of the United States and China to the coronavirus pandemic. Read more here.

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Other Federal Countries

Canadian Federalism and Contact Tracing

Teresa Scassa explores whether the nation's federal structure inhibits efforts to establish contacts of people infected by the coronavirus. Read more here.

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Other Federal Countries

The Coronavirus and Local Power in Canada

In an op-ed, Andrew Potter points to the many provincial checkpoints as evidence that the coronavirus has localized the nation's politics in a way…

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Federalism and Indian Bicameralism

Venkaiah Naidu reviews the development of India's bicameral legislature and suggests that federalism plays into why a bicameral structure is appropriate for the nation: "Federalism…

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Coronavirus and the Future of a European Republic

Lorenzo Marsili and Ulrike Guérot write that the end of the pandemic offers an opportunity for Europe "to build a democracy of equals." Read…

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Does Coronavirus Response Threaten Ethiopian Federal-State Balance?

In an op-ed, Tefera Degu Addis worries that the national government's assertion of powers to deal with the coronavirus outbreak "raises the issue of constitutional…

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EU Stops Short of Pooling Debt

European Union finance ministers have agreed to a large stimulus package in response to the coronavirus pandemic. But EU members balked at offering joint bonds,…

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Germany’s Devolved Public Health System Leads Virus Response

Philip Oltermann writes that the devolved structure of Germany's public health system is beginning to look advantageous in dealing with the coronavirus outbreak. Read more…

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Canadian Federal and Provincial Authority During Crises

Amy Swiffen examines how power is shared between the federal government and the provinces and which laws could be used to bolster the national government's…

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Low German Fatality Rate Due to State-Level Control?

Germany has maintained a far lower fatality rate from the coronavirus than other nations. Some credit the plentiful testing that the nation's 16 states…

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Efforts at Collaborative Federalism in Indian Lockdown Questioned

Yogesh Pratap Singh and Ashirbad Nayak write that no serious effort was made to coordinate between the national and state governments in preparing for…

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Coronavirus and Ethiopian Federalism

Zemelak Ayitenew Ayele examines how the federal and state governments are responding to the coronavirus outbreak. He contends that "the virus has revealed the strengths…

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What is the purpose of the Center for the Study of Federalism (CSF)?

The Center for the Study of Federalism (CSF) is a nonpartisan, interdisciplinary research and education institution dedicated to supporting and advancing scholarship and public understanding of federal theories, principles, institutions, and processes as practical means of organizing power in free societies.

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All of the CSF Fellows hold advanced degrees, are affiliated with academic institutions, and are scholarly experts in their fields. For more on each Fellow see CSF Fellows.

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Most political and public issues in the United States are influenced to some extent by its federal system. Yet many do not understand that system. The CSF website seeks to foster a better understanding among the general public and scholars of federal governing systems generally and, specifically, of the federal system of government in the United States of America.

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Federalism Matters Podcast

Federalism is American government’s best kept secret. Its influence is pervasive and profound. Though not mentioned in the Constitution, federalism’s meaning and application have been at the center of disputes from 1776 to the Civil War to our current culture wars. We are scholars who focus on federalism, and through this podcast, we explore how federalism, from practice to theory, shapes our politics, policies, culture, society, and daily life.

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The Federalism Minute

Federalism’s influence on American government, culture and society is pervasive and profound, yet often unexplored. This short podcast examines single, practical topics to show how federalism’s influence is real and relevant in average citizens’ daily lives.

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