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Category: Podcasts


Podcast: Trump and the Insurrection Clause: The Supreme Court Weighs In

This episode explores the recent Supreme Court decision, Trump v. Anderson. Host Wesley Leckrone (Widener University) talks with John Kincaid (Lafayette College) about the decision that…

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Podcast: Federalism and Pres. Biden’s 2024 State of the Union Address

This episode explores issues related to American federalism in President Biden's 2024 State of the Union Address. Host Wesley Leckrone (Widener University) is joined…

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Podcast: The Electoral College: Combining Democracy & Federalism Podcast:

Host Wes Leckrone explores whether the Electoral College is a democratic institution with Professor Troy Smith, fellow at the Center for the Study of…

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Podcast: Federalism and the August 2023 GOP Presidential

In the first presidential debate of the 2024 campaign season, what did we learn about how the two presidential candidates, Biden and Trump, think…

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Federalism and the First Presidential Debate of 2024

In the first presidential debate of the 2024 campaign season, what did we learn about how the two presidential candidates, Biden and Trump, think…

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Moving Beyond ‘Resistance’: The Significance of California’s Federalism

Professor Karthick Ramakrishnan, UC Riverside speaks on the national significance of California’s progressive federalism.

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When States Sue the Federal Government

In this podcast, the staff of Democracy Works discusses federalism with Josh Shapiro, the attorney general of Pennsylvania. They discuss how federalism influences whether states choose to sue the federal government.

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Federalism 2.0 Podcast with Laura Tyson and Lenny Mendonca

Donald Trump’s brand of partisan politics has pushed many Americans to lose faith in the federal government, especially as collective challenges like climate change are ignored by the White House.

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Trump: Good or Bad for America’s Federal System

Roundtable Panel at the American Political Science Association’s 2018 Annual Meeting

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The Libertarian by Richard A. Epstein

Richard Epstein discusses controversies about federalism, including environmental regulation and immigration.

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CSF President John Kincaid Interviewed on American Federalism

John Pearce welcomes guest Dr. John Kincaid, political scientist at Lafayette College, for a broad discussion about our governmental system in today’s world.

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What is the purpose of the Center for the Study of Federalism (CSF)?

The Center for the Study of Federalism (CSF) is a nonpartisan, interdisciplinary research and education institution dedicated to supporting and advancing scholarship and public understanding of federal theories, principles, institutions, and processes as practical means of organizing power in free societies.

Who are the Fellows at the Center for the Study of Federalism?

All of the CSF Fellows hold advanced degrees, are affiliated with academic institutions, and are scholarly experts in their fields. For more on each Fellow see CSF Fellows.

What is the purpose of the CSF website?

Most political and public issues in the United States are influenced to some extent by its federal system. Yet many do not understand that system. The CSF website seeks to foster a better understanding among the general public and scholars of federal governing systems generally and, specifically, of the federal system of government in the United States of America.

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Federalism Matters Podcast

Federalism is American government’s best kept secret. Its influence is pervasive and profound. Though not mentioned in the Constitution, federalism’s meaning and application have been at the center of disputes from 1776 to the Civil War to our current culture wars. We are scholars who focus on federalism, and through this podcast, we explore how federalism, from practice to theory, shapes our politics, policies, culture, society, and daily life.

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The Federalism Minute

Federalism’s influence on American government, culture and society is pervasive and profound, yet often unexplored. This short podcast examines single, practical topics to show how federalism’s influence is real and relevant in average citizens’ daily lives.

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