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Category: Other Federal Countries


Spain Retains Direct Control of Catalonia

Catalonia's assembly has chosen a new leader, an action that was expected to bring about the end of Spain's direct control of the region.…

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Federalism’s Expanding Presence in Canadian Politics

In this op-ed, Eric M. Adams writes that federalism has returned to the center of Canadian constitutional politics, in the form of environmental issues…

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Intergovernmental Agenda Setting

Jared J. Wesley compares how effective American governors and Canadian premiers are at influencing the national political agendas of their respective countries. Wesley asserts that American…

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Analysis of the Narendra Modi Government’s Impact on Federalism

Chanchal Kumar Sharma and Wilfried Swenden examine what the Bharatiya Janata Party's 2014 victory has meant for the relationship between the national government and…

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Book on Canadian Employment-Services Devolution

Donna E. Wood has written Federalism in Action: The Devolution of Canada's Public Employment Service, 1995-2015 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018). Wood examines…

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Is Brexit Already Affecting Scotland and Northern Ireland?

Kirsty Hughes and Katy Hayward write that there has been a troubling lack of concern that two of the four Brexit voting areas in the United…

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Defining Federal, Federalism, and Federation

Michael Burgess writes to offer definitional clarity to these three related, yet distinct, terms. Burgess also addresses several misunderstandings about federalism that he contends have…

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Report on Regionalization Across Europe

The Assembly of European Regions has published a report examining the state of regionalization in Europe. The report, which covers 42 countries, looks at…

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New Book on Comparative Fiscal Federalism

Francesco Palermo and Alice Valdesalici have edited Comparing Fiscal Federalism (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijoff, 2018). The book, which examines intergovernmental financial relations, is a…

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Will Brexit End Peace in Ireland?

Geoffrey Besnier contends that Brexit poses a serious threat to the peace that Ireland has enjoyed for the last two decades. Read more here.

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Devolution in England Following Brexit

On behalf of the Forum of Federations, Nina Sajic has prepared a report of the results of a 2017 conference about devolution in England…

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2016 Philippines Election Analyzed

In this election report, Julio Cabral Teehankee looks at the regional implications of the nation's proposed shift to federalism. Read more here.

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Book on Indian Fiscal Federalism

Naseer Ahmed Khan has edited Challenges and Issues in Indian Fiscal Federalism (Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018). The book examines various aspects fiscal federalism, including…

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The Center for the Study of Federalism (CSF) is a nonpartisan, interdisciplinary research and education institution dedicated to supporting and advancing scholarship and public understanding of federal theories, principles, institutions, and processes as practical means of organizing power in free societies.

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Most political and public issues in the United States are influenced to some extent by its federal system. Yet many do not understand that system. The CSF website seeks to foster a better understanding among the general public and scholars of federal governing systems generally and, specifically, of the federal system of government in the United States of America.

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Federalism Matters Podcast

Federalism is American government’s best kept secret. Its influence is pervasive and profound. Though not mentioned in the Constitution, federalism’s meaning and application have been at the center of disputes from 1776 to the Civil War to our current culture wars. We are scholars who focus on federalism, and through this podcast, we explore how federalism, from practice to theory, shapes our politics, policies, culture, society, and daily life.

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The Federalism Minute

Federalism’s influence on American government, culture and society is pervasive and profound, yet often unexplored. This short podcast examines single, practical topics to show how federalism’s influence is real and relevant in average citizens’ daily lives.

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