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Category: News

American Federalism

The Federal and State Divide Over Marijuana Policy

Heather Trela analyses possible ramifications of the increasing divide between federal and state marijuana policy. She includes a list marijuana-related issues to watch for…

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American Federalism

Federal Reforms Challenge States’ Fiscal Outlook

Barb Rosewicz, Ruth Mantell, and Daniel Newman write that the federal government is "heaping new challenges" on states as they face slow revenue growth…

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American Federalism

Cap-and-Trade Systems Alive and Well at the State Level

As the Trump administration moves to weaken the Obama administration's Clean Power Plan, a number of states are turning to cap-and-trade systems to lower…

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American Federalism

Most State-Run Health Exchanges See Enrollment Increase

Most states that run their own Affordable Care Act healthcare exchanges saw enrollment increases, while federally run exchanges experienced decreases. Read more here.

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NAFTA Talks Between the US and Canada Turn Provincial

Negotiations related to the North American Free Trade Agreement are beginning to affect trade policy at the provincial and state level. Ontario, for example,…

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American Federalism

States Sue Over Water-Quality Rule

A group of states, as well as a coalition of environmental groups, have sued the Trump administration for delaying implementation of a 2015 Obama…

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American Federalism

GAO Recommends More Federal Guidance with Transit-Project Measurement

The U.S. Government Accountability Office has completed a study of federal agency oversight of environmental compliance of state highway and transit projects. Congress has…

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American Federalism

Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Pennsylvania Partisan Gerrymandering Decision

The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to delay a recent Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision that invalidated a Republican-drawn congressional map on grounds that the map…

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American Federalism

Should Animal Protections Shift from the Federal Government to the States?

Alejandro E. Camacho and Michael Robinson-Dorn write that congressional critics of the Endangered Species Act seek to reduce federal authority to manage endangered species…

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Federalism Campaign in the Philippines

The PDP-Laban Federalism Institute has launched a campaign to increase public awareness of the nation's move toward federalism. Read more here.

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American Federalism

States Consider Health Insurance Mandates

In the wake of the recently passed tax act's dropping of the health insurance individual mandate, at least nine states are considering requiring their…

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American Federalism

States Object to Offshore Drilling Plan

A dozen state attorneys general have sent a letter to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to protest the Trump administration's plan to re-open offshore oil…

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Federalism and Social Program Funding in India

In this op-ed, Yamini Aiyar writes that Indian states have called for more budget flexibility from the central government over social programs. Aiyar contends…

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What is the purpose of the Center for the Study of Federalism (CSF)?

The Center for the Study of Federalism (CSF) is a nonpartisan, interdisciplinary research and education institution dedicated to supporting and advancing scholarship and public understanding of federal theories, principles, institutions, and processes as practical means of organizing power in free societies.

Who are the Fellows at the Center for the Study of Federalism?

All of the CSF Fellows hold advanced degrees, are affiliated with academic institutions, and are scholarly experts in their fields. For more on each Fellow see CSF Fellows.

What is the purpose of the CSF website?

Most political and public issues in the United States are influenced to some extent by its federal system. Yet many do not understand that system. The CSF website seeks to foster a better understanding among the general public and scholars of federal governing systems generally and, specifically, of the federal system of government in the United States of America.

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Federalism Matters Podcast

Federalism is American government’s best kept secret. Its influence is pervasive and profound. Though not mentioned in the Constitution, federalism’s meaning and application have been at the center of disputes from 1776 to the Civil War to our current culture wars. We are scholars who focus on federalism, and through this podcast, we explore how federalism, from practice to theory, shapes our politics, policies, culture, society, and daily life.

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The Federalism Minute

Federalism’s influence on American government, culture and society is pervasive and profound, yet often unexplored. This short podcast examines single, practical topics to show how federalism’s influence is real and relevant in average citizens’ daily lives.

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