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Federalism Library

The Federalism Library is an online multimedia collection of articles, books, and podcasts exploring contemporary and classic questions related to federalism. It includes material created by the Center for the Study of Federalism, as well as carefully curated information from prominent writers on federalism.

View looking up at the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, DC.

Unpacking Philippine Federalism

The Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism has gathered a variety of statistics about the Philippines to help explain how a shift to a federal…

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American Federalism

Driverless Carmakers Push for Federal Guidelines

Two pending measures in Congress supported by driverless car manufacturers would largely preempt states from regulating such vehicles. Read more here.

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American Federalism

How Might Judge Kavanaugh’s Appointment Affect States’ Rights?

Elaine S. Povich and Alayna Alvarez of the Pew Charitable Trusts examine what the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court could mean…

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Shift to Federalism Called a “Lethal Experiment”

Two former chief justices of the Philippines presented differing views in Senate testimony about the proposal to move the country to a federal form…

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Indian Ruling Speaks to Federalism Issues

Malavika Prasad writes about the federalism issues touched on in a recent case from India's Supreme Court. Read more here.

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American Federalism

Sanctuary Ruling Could Mark Start of Prolonged Legal Struggle

Ilya Somin writes that a recent ruling in favor of California's sanctuary-jurisdiction efforts might be the beginning of a lengthy legal battle over immigration…

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Federalism in Yemen?

In a chapter titled "Can Federalism Save the Yemeni State?" in Yemen and the Search for Stability: Power, Politics and Society After the Arab…

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Extradition of Catalan Leader on Lesser Charges Approved

Catalan's regional president, Carles Puigdemont, has been detained in Germany since March, pending extradition efforts by Spain on charges of rebellion. This week a…

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CSF Fellow John Kinkaid on Kavanaugh’s Nomination

In an interview this week with WFMZ, John Kinkaid explains why President Trump selected Brett Kavanaugh as a nominee for the Supreme Court and…

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Philippine Consultative Committee Approves Constitution

The Consultative Committee has approved the proposed draft of a new constitution, which if approved by Congress will lead to a federal form of…

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American Federalism

Climate Policy in California and New York

Roger Karapin examines climate-change policies put in place by California and New York during the last two decades. Karapin contends that broad advocacy coalitions…

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States File Plans to Spend Federal Election-Security Funds

Earlier this year Congress set aside money for states to upgrade their election systems. States have begun to submit their security plans to the…

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American Federalism

Judge Questions Census Citizenship Question

A federal judge has questioned the motivation behind the Commerce Department's plan to add a question about citizenship to the next census. Seventeen states…

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What is the purpose of the Center for the Study of Federalism (CSF)?

The Center for the Study of Federalism (CSF) is a nonpartisan, interdisciplinary research and education institution dedicated to supporting and advancing scholarship and public understanding of federal theories, principles, institutions, and processes as practical means of organizing power in free societies.

Who are the Fellows at the Center for the Study of Federalism?

All of the CSF Fellows hold advanced degrees, are affiliated with academic institutions, and are scholarly experts in their fields. For more on each Fellow see CSF Fellows.

What is the purpose of the CSF website?

Most political and public issues in the United States are influenced to some extent by its federal system. Yet many do not understand that system. The CSF website seeks to foster a better understanding among the general public and scholars of federal governing systems generally and, specifically, of the federal system of government in the United States of America.

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Federalism Matters Podcast

Federalism is American government’s best kept secret. Its influence is pervasive and profound. Though not mentioned in the Constitution, federalism’s meaning and application have been at the center of disputes from 1776 to the Civil War to our current culture wars. We are scholars who focus on federalism, and through this podcast, we explore how federalism, from practice to theory, shapes our politics, policies, culture, society, and daily life.

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The Federalism Minute

Federalism’s influence on American government, culture and society is pervasive and profound, yet often unexplored. This short podcast examines single, practical topics to show how federalism’s influence is real and relevant in average citizens’ daily lives.

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