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Barron v. Baltimore, a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court ruling, was an important federalism ruling holding that the U.S. Bill of Rights applied only to…

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South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification declared the federal tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and void within the state, thus starting the Nullification Crisis…

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Fort Hill Address by John C. Calhoun objected to a high federal tariff and invoked the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions to argue that states…

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Webster-Hayne Debates in January saw Democratic Senator Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina defend states’ rights while Whig Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts defended…

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South Carolina Exposition and Protest, written anonymously by John C. Calhoun (then vice president of the United States), protested the so-called Tariff of Abominations…

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Gibbons v. Ogden, a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court ruling, held that the Congress’s commerce power includes authority to regulate navigation on interstate waterways, thereby…

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Missouri Compromise of 1820, a federal law signed on March 6, attempted to preserve the balance of power in the Congress between slave and…

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Dartmouth College v. Woodward, a 5-1 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, held states cannot enact laws that overturn private contracts. Thus, New Hampshire could not…

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Hartford Convention was series of initially secret meetings in Hartford, Connecticut, of Federalists from New England states who threatened to secede from the union…

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Fletcher v. Peck, a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court decision, was the first time the Court struck down a state law as violating the U.S.…

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